Meet NBC-APU's Coaches

We select outstanding people we believe are of high integrity and character, work ethic and willingness to pour their lives into helping athletes be their best. We work hard to hire college players, college and high school coaches and dynamic competent teachers of the game.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kellan Moll

Kellan Moll graduated from Grace Christian School where he played varsity basketball for four years. Kellan was the South Central Conference MVP for the 2007 and 2008 seasons. He is attending Seattle Pacific University next year, where he will be playing for the Men's Basketball Program. Kellan is working for NBC for his second consistent summer. Kellen says the he "went to NBC Camps for five years as a camper. Now, I am excited to be able to give kids the same opportunity I had. It is a place to get better as a basketball player and a person."